Why an Endowment is One of the Best Ways to Invest Offshore

The South African economy represents less than 1% of global economic activity and returns on local equity have been average over the last few years.

Investing offshore – over and above the contributions to your local retirement fund – is crucial. A healthy portfolio should be split across regions and currencies to hedge against the depreciating rand, and to gain from higher economic growth in other jurisdictions. But with Regulation 28 blocking the way, what other options do you have?

This month we explain how endowments work.


Invest With FIRE and Never Look Back

What do you think of when you hear the word ‘fire’? Smoke and helicopters, the sound of a gun? The feeling in the back of your throat when you take a sip of whisky? Maybe even being fired in a recessionary economy? All pretty negative stuff, apart from the whisky…

But we’re not talking about actual flames. FIRE is an acronym for Financial Independence, Retire Early. It’s about maximising your saving power through reduced spending, greater earnings and wise investment. Read on to find out how it works.


What is This Volatility Risk People are Always Talking About?

Perhaps the most common way to measure investment risk is to use volatility. When markets are talked about as being volatile, it’s usually shorthand for saying that risk is high, or that investors are unusually nervous.

But what exactly is volatility, what does it measure, and why is it seen as the same thing as risk? Is it always the most useful way to think about how risky an investment is?

In this article, we look to answer these questions. And to provide some insight into why, despite being a useful tool, volatility shouldn’t be the only way anyone ever thinks about risk.


Three Books for the Holidays

Whether you’re looking for Christmas presents or just something for yourself over the festive season break, a good book is always worthwhile.

There are many good books about personal finance that have been written over the years. Some have become incredibly popular and made their authors remarkably – although not always healthily – famous.

In this article we look at three books that aren’t as well known … But that still contain some very useful insights for anybody who has an interest in improving their financial wellbeing and the financial wellbeing of their families.


Higher wages risk prolonging the fight against the inflation

Over the past 18 months, the cost of living has surged globally, with world inflation rising sharply from an average of less than 2% in 2020 to over 9% currently. This increase in inflation is evident within both developed as well as emerging markets, and in some countries, inflation is the highest it has been in four decades.


Why Timing Might be Everything in Retirement – Especially in a Bear Market

We spend our working lives making sure that we save enough for our retirement. But if we’re unlucky enough to retire just before a market crash, this can throw our planning into disarray.

That is because a big drop in our retirement capital in the first few years of retirement will have a lasting impact. In investment terms, this is called “sequence of return risk” – the risk that bad returns at the wrong time can be especially painful.


Loss Aversion and Lifestyle Creep – How Behaviour Influences Saving

The biggest obstacle to growing your wealth has nothing to do with the stock market – it has to do with you. More specifically, the choices you make about your lifestyle and your saving habits.
Achieving financial freedom is a personal journey that involves lots of little behavioural changes over time.
These small changes can make all the difference in the long run.


The “Two Bucket” Retirement Savings System: What is it and Why is it Important?

The government has said that it is going ahead with plans to introduce a ‘two bucket’ retirement savings system. The intention is to increase the amounts that South Africans are preserving.

But what does retirement preservation mean? And why it is something that the government is so concerned about that it feels it is necessary to change legislation?

In this article we explore the importance of preserving retirement savings, and why it has become such a necessary issue to address in South Africa. We also look at what the two-bucket system means in practical terms for investors


Women’s Month: Three Ways You Can Improve Your Money Health

More and more people are becoming aware of the importance of financial wellbeing. Just like it’s necessary to look after your physical health, it is critical to be proactive about taking care of your financial health as well.

In Women’s Month, it’s worth considering why this is a particularly important topic for women. Often, they find it harder to take care of their financial wellbeing because of the different demands on their money and their time.

In this article we look at what makes financial wellbeing for women so important and examine three ways they can move towards a healthier relationship with their money.


A Simple “50-15-5” Budget Hack for Women (and Men!)

Many people find budgeting a turn-off. They don’t want to keep track of every rand they spend. They find it limiting, and an administrative hassle.

For those women who already shoulder most of the responsibility for running a household, this can be particularly true. They don’t want to add anything extra to the long list of things they already need to take care of.

Having a simple approach to running a ‘spending plan’ rather than a strict budget can therefore be quite liberating for many people. Read on to discover a simple approach to getting this right.

Why an Endowment is One of the Best Ways to Invest Offshore

The South African economy represents less than 1% of global economic activity and returns on local equity have been average over the last few years.

Investing offshore – over and above the contributions to your local retirement fund – is crucial. A healthy portfolio should be split across regions and currencies to hedge against the depreciating rand, and to gain from higher economic growth in other jurisdictions. But with Regulation 28 blocking the way, what other options do you have?

This month we explain how endowments work.

Invest With FIRE and Never Look Back

What do you think of when you hear the word ‘fire’? Smoke and helicopters, the sound of a gun? The feeling in the back of your throat when you take a sip of whisky? Maybe even being fired in a recessionary economy? All pretty negative stuff, apart from the whisky…

But we’re not talking about actual flames. FIRE is an acronym for Financial Independence, Retire Early. It’s about maximising your saving power through reduced spending, greater earnings and wise investment. Read on to find out how it works.

What is This Volatility Risk People are Always Talking About?

Perhaps the most common way to measure investment risk is to use volatility. When markets are talked about as being volatile, it’s usually shorthand for saying that risk is high, or that investors are unusually nervous.

But what exactly is volatility, what does it measure, and why is it seen as the same thing as risk? Is it always the most useful way to think about how risky an investment is?

In this article, we look to answer these questions. And to provide some insight into why, despite being a useful tool, volatility shouldn’t be the only way anyone ever thinks about risk.

Three Books for the Holidays

Whether you’re looking for Christmas presents or just something for yourself over the festive season break, a good book is always worthwhile.

There are many good books about personal finance that have been written over the years. Some have become incredibly popular and made their authors remarkably – although not always healthily – famous.

In this article we look at three books that aren’t as well known … But that still contain some very useful insights for anybody who has an interest in improving their financial wellbeing and the financial wellbeing of their families.

Higher wages risk prolonging the fight against the inflation

Over the past 18 months, the cost of living has surged globally, with world inflation rising sharply from an average of less than 2% in 2020 to over 9% currently. This increase in inflation is evident within both developed as well as emerging markets, and in some countries, inflation is the highest it has been in four decades.

Why Timing Might be Everything in Retirement – Especially in a Bear Market

We spend our working lives making sure that we save enough for our retirement. But if we’re unlucky enough to retire just before a market crash, this can throw our planning into disarray.

That is because a big drop in our retirement capital in the first few years of retirement will have a lasting impact. In investment terms, this is called “sequence of return risk” – the risk that bad returns at the wrong time can be especially painful.

Loss Aversion and Lifestyle Creep – How Behaviour Influences Saving

The biggest obstacle to growing your wealth has nothing to do with the stock market – it has to do with you. More specifically, the choices you make about your lifestyle and your saving habits.
Achieving financial freedom is a personal journey that involves lots of little behavioural changes over time.
These small changes can make all the difference in the long run.

The “Two Bucket” Retirement Savings System: What is it and Why is it Important?

The government has said that it is going ahead with plans to introduce a ‘two bucket’ retirement savings system. The intention is to increase the amounts that South Africans are preserving.

But what does retirement preservation mean? And why it is something that the government is so concerned about that it feels it is necessary to change legislation?

In this article we explore the importance of preserving retirement savings, and why it has become such a necessary issue to address in South Africa. We also look at what the two-bucket system means in practical terms for investors

Women’s Month: Three Ways You Can Improve Your Money Health

More and more people are becoming aware of the importance of financial wellbeing. Just like it’s necessary to look after your physical health, it is critical to be proactive about taking care of your financial health as well.

In Women’s Month, it’s worth considering why this is a particularly important topic for women. Often, they find it harder to take care of their financial wellbeing because of the different demands on their money and their time.

In this article we look at what makes financial wellbeing for women so important and examine three ways they can move towards a healthier relationship with their money.

A Simple “50-15-5” Budget Hack for Women (and Men!)

Many people find budgeting a turn-off. They don’t want to keep track of every rand they spend. They find it limiting, and an administrative hassle.

For those women who already shoulder most of the responsibility for running a household, this can be particularly true. They don’t want to add anything extra to the long list of things they already need to take care of.

Having a simple approach to running a ‘spending plan’ rather than a strict budget can therefore be quite liberating for many people. Read on to discover a simple approach to getting this right.