Every investor should have a financial plan to guide them on their savings journey. But they should also remember that no matter how good a plan might be, there is always the risk that something will go wrong.

In this article, we look at the importance of building room for error into your financial plan.


Retiring Well is About More Than Money

Making sure that you have enough money to see you through retirement is a vital part of your future planning. But it shouldn’t be the only part.

In this article we look at how dealing with loneliness is attracting more attention, and how loneliness and financial difficulties in retirement can form a negative spiral.


Why do Some People Have a Problem Spending Money?

While most advice about budgeting concentrates on trying to find ways of helping people not to spend too much, there is another group of people that has the opposite problem. These “tightwads” find it very hard to spend at all.

In this article we look at what might be behind this anxiety and provide a practical way of trying to ease it.


Don’t let Money Ruin Your Relationship

Money can be one of the biggest sources of conflict in a relationship. When partners disagree about how to manage their finances, what to spend on, and how to save, it can create tension that is very difficult to resolve.

Being able to communicate honestly and openly about money should therefore be foundational for any couple. It should be something that is prioritised from the start.


What is True Wealth?

When people talk about wealth, they tend to think of material possessions. But true wealth requires a mindset that goes beyond just accumulating money.

Read on to learn how to think differently about wealth and why it is about more than just your finances.


Much Ado About Risk

Many people, when they hear about financial ‘risk’, think automatically about the chance of being defrauded and the horrible prospect of not getting all their money back.

Read on to learn more about the ins and outs of risk – and discover how and when to use it to your advantage.


Five Ways to Teach Kids About Money

Many parents worry that it’s too early to talk to their children about money. But the truth is that it is never too early.

Money habits are formed at a very young age. Research shows that many of the ways we think about finances can be formed even before we go to school.


Compound Interest: The Eighth Wonder of the World

Albert Einstein called the magic of compound interest, “the eighth wonder of the world”. He famously stated that “he who understands it, earns it, and he who doesn’t, pays it.”

In other words, compound interest is great when you’re investing and terrible when you’re borrowing.


How Good do You Think You Are at Investing?

We all have a tendency to overestimate our abilities. A lot of the time, this is a good thing. Without any self-confidence, we would struggle to ever find a partner, apply for a job, or try a new hobby.
But there are also times when overconfidence has hazardous results – when we think we know things that we don’t actually know, or believe we know something others don’t.
In this article we look at why this is particularly perilous when it comes to our money and give a very pertinent real-world example.


Invest With FIRE and Never Look Back

What do you think of when you hear the word ‘fire’? Smoke and helicopters, the sound of a gun? The feeling in the back of your throat when you take a sip of whisky? Maybe even being fired in a recessionary economy? All pretty negative stuff, apart from the whisky…

But we’re not talking about actual flames. FIRE is an acronym for Financial Independence, Retire Early. It’s about maximising your saving power through reduced spending, greater earnings and wise investment. Read on to find out how it works.


Loss Aversion and Lifestyle Creep – How Behaviour Influences Saving

The biggest obstacle to growing your wealth has nothing to do with the stock market – it has to do with you. More specifically, the choices you make about your lifestyle and your saving habits.
Achieving financial freedom is a personal journey that involves lots of little behavioural changes over time.
These small changes can make all the difference in the long run.


The “Two Bucket” Retirement Savings System: What is it and Why is it Important?

The government has said that it is going ahead with plans to introduce a ‘two bucket’ retirement savings system. The intention is to increase the amounts that South Africans are preserving.

But what does retirement preservation mean? And why it is something that the government is so concerned about that it feels it is necessary to change legislation?

In this article we explore the importance of preserving retirement savings, and why it has become such a necessary issue to address in South Africa. We also look at what the two-bucket system means in practical terms for investors


A Simple “50-15-5” Budget Hack for Women (and Men!)

Many people find budgeting a turn-off. They don’t want to keep track of every rand they spend. They find it limiting, and an administrative hassle.

For those women who already shoulder most of the responsibility for running a household, this can be particularly true. They don’t want to add anything extra to the long list of things they already need to take care of.

Having a simple approach to running a ‘spending plan’ rather than a strict budget can therefore be quite liberating for many people. Read on to discover a simple approach to getting this right.


10 Factors to consider when buying an investment property

1. What do you want to achieve? Purchasing an investment property is a business transaction and is merely a bricks and mortar vehicle that enables you to achieve pre-defined financial goals. Before purchasing a property, it is important to identify your end goal and then formulate a plan to get


Every investor should have a financial plan to guide them on their savings journey. But they should also remember that no matter how good a plan might be, there is always the risk that something will go wrong.

In this article, we look at the importance of building room for error into your financial plan.

Retiring Well is About More Than Money

Making sure that you have enough money to see you through retirement is a vital part of your future planning. But it shouldn’t be the only part.

In this article we look at how dealing with loneliness is attracting more attention, and how loneliness and financial difficulties in retirement can form a negative spiral.

Why do Some People Have a Problem Spending Money?

While most advice about budgeting concentrates on trying to find ways of helping people not to spend too much, there is another group of people that has the opposite problem. These “tightwads” find it very hard to spend at all.

In this article we look at what might be behind this anxiety and provide a practical way of trying to ease it.

Don’t let Money Ruin Your Relationship

Money can be one of the biggest sources of conflict in a relationship. When partners disagree about how to manage their finances, what to spend on, and how to save, it can create tension that is very difficult to resolve.

Being able to communicate honestly and openly about money should therefore be foundational for any couple. It should be something that is prioritised from the start.

What is True Wealth?

When people talk about wealth, they tend to think of material possessions. But true wealth requires a mindset that goes beyond just accumulating money.

Read on to learn how to think differently about wealth and why it is about more than just your finances.

Much Ado About Risk

Many people, when they hear about financial ‘risk’, think automatically about the chance of being defrauded and the horrible prospect of not getting all their money back.

Read on to learn more about the ins and outs of risk – and discover how and when to use it to your advantage.

Five Ways to Teach Kids About Money

Many parents worry that it’s too early to talk to their children about money. But the truth is that it is never too early.

Money habits are formed at a very young age. Research shows that many of the ways we think about finances can be formed even before we go to school.

Compound Interest: The Eighth Wonder of the World

Albert Einstein called the magic of compound interest, “the eighth wonder of the world”. He famously stated that “he who understands it, earns it, and he who doesn’t, pays it.”

In other words, compound interest is great when you’re investing and terrible when you’re borrowing.

How Good do You Think You Are at Investing?

We all have a tendency to overestimate our abilities. A lot of the time, this is a good thing. Without any self-confidence, we would struggle to ever find a partner, apply for a job, or try a new hobby.
But there are also times when overconfidence has hazardous results – when we think we know things that we don’t actually know, or believe we know something others don’t.
In this article we look at why this is particularly perilous when it comes to our money and give a very pertinent real-world example.

Invest With FIRE and Never Look Back

What do you think of when you hear the word ‘fire’? Smoke and helicopters, the sound of a gun? The feeling in the back of your throat when you take a sip of whisky? Maybe even being fired in a recessionary economy? All pretty negative stuff, apart from the whisky…

But we’re not talking about actual flames. FIRE is an acronym for Financial Independence, Retire Early. It’s about maximising your saving power through reduced spending, greater earnings and wise investment. Read on to find out how it works.

Loss Aversion and Lifestyle Creep – How Behaviour Influences Saving

The biggest obstacle to growing your wealth has nothing to do with the stock market – it has to do with you. More specifically, the choices you make about your lifestyle and your saving habits.
Achieving financial freedom is a personal journey that involves lots of little behavioural changes over time.
These small changes can make all the difference in the long run.

The “Two Bucket” Retirement Savings System: What is it and Why is it Important?

The government has said that it is going ahead with plans to introduce a ‘two bucket’ retirement savings system. The intention is to increase the amounts that South Africans are preserving.

But what does retirement preservation mean? And why it is something that the government is so concerned about that it feels it is necessary to change legislation?

In this article we explore the importance of preserving retirement savings, and why it has become such a necessary issue to address in South Africa. We also look at what the two-bucket system means in practical terms for investors

A Simple “50-15-5” Budget Hack for Women (and Men!)

Many people find budgeting a turn-off. They don’t want to keep track of every rand they spend. They find it limiting, and an administrative hassle.

For those women who already shoulder most of the responsibility for running a household, this can be particularly true. They don’t want to add anything extra to the long list of things they already need to take care of.

Having a simple approach to running a ‘spending plan’ rather than a strict budget can therefore be quite liberating for many people. Read on to discover a simple approach to getting this right.